Creative resources for half term learning

Want to explore the creative industries over half term?

Or maybe you’re a teacher who wants to bring some creative industry exploration into your classroom.

We’ve got a list below of some great creative industry resources that are perfect for students, parents and teachers! Why not have a nosey?

  1. ERIC School Resources Hub

  2. Artsmark classroom activities & creativity hub


    • Artsmark Celebration Week takes place from 7-11th November and aims to celebrate the importance of community in young people’s lives! - If you want to get your class involved, why not check out these awesome classroom activities & creativity hub?

  3. Discover! Creative Careers

  4. Future Goals

  5. Create Industries Council

  6. Creative UK

  7. Freelance UK


    • Freelance UK is a great resource for anyone who wants to work freelance. With lots of resources, you can start to explore what it’s like to work freelance in the creative industries and what you need to know.

  8. Creative Industry Quiz

  9. Unboxed Learning Programme


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