ERIC Creative Industries Predictions for 2023πŸš€

So, we're in that no mans land between Christmas and New Year, where no one is too sure what day it is or how many mince pies they've finished off...πŸ₯±

What better time to start thinking towards 2023 and what it could bring for the creative industries?

We thought we'd cover three different prediction categories this year, which will be:
- Creative Industries predictions
- Creative Education predictions
- Creative Careers predictions

So today, we're starting off strong with ERIC Creative Industries predictions! Hold onto your hats, because we're blasting off into 2023...πŸš€

1) Could the Creative Industries drag us out of a recession? A big statement, but 2 arguments to support -

The Creative Industries are making money incredibly quickly. They are rebranding themselves, and positioning themselves in the limelight as the global competitor to beat. With already thriving industries like Film, TV & Music, the UK is trying to attract more international funding to push the boundaries and create more great content.

Individual creativity could solve recession-based unemployment: A real key player in the recession game is the fact that now, anyone can get into the industries from the comfort of their own homes. With remote and hybrid working now a natural part of the working world, anyone can pick up their laptop and register as self employed. You don't need capital, bricks or mortar, just a computer, some common sense and some sort of vague skill. So the question is; is this the answer to solving the recession? Monetising individual creativity?

2) The UK Government could start paying attention to the Creative industries - The government will be announcing a new strategy for the industries, which could majorly benefit the creative economy. Look out for micro and macro changes to the way the creative industries operates, with an increase in funding and the way the creative industries is perceived by the general public, as a knock on effect of creativity being directly linked to a growing economy.

3) The Creative Industries will start to reframe itself - To be a little bit more specific, the Creative Industries will put effort into changing public perception and creating a new narrative for itself in order to ensure it is valued more by the general public. Expect a lot of data-led messaging and financial impact statistics. Essentially they will want to start communicating 'creative industries = financial opportunity + economic growth'.

4) There will be more emphasis on lesser known creative Industries - Some of the industries are currently less in demand with young people compared to others, however, we can see the Creative Industries changing this with more opportunities and funding being poured into industries like VFX, Animation and Gaming. For example, it has been stated that Esports (part of the games industry) viewership continues to rival that of traditional sporting events, and that it may even outpace sports audiences within the next decade.

5) It's going to be a HUGE year for Film & TV - There are around 40 new studios due to open up across the UK, some of them are already open or working towards opening during 2023/2024. These new studios will be aided by tax breaks that are due, which means that more international filming will be done in the UK and will especially effect VFX & Animation with live action becoming less commonplace.

Check out the list of studios that are planned for the next few years here -

6) Will Advertising & Fashion get a boot up the backside - Sustainability in the Fashion industry has ALWAYS been in question, but now Advertising is getting some stick for their unsustainable practices like using props for one time and one time only, and then binning them (with some being non-recyclable!).

7) The worlds of creativity and tech are going to become even more blurred - It's no surprise to anyone that tech will continue to work with the creative industries. If you haven't heard of the term 'Createch', you may do next year, as its set to become a new buzz word.

Want to read more about Createch -

8) Portfolio careers and Stepping Stone careers are IN - More terms that could become buzz words in 2023!

Portfolio careers involve monetising your skills in many ways and having multiple income sources, rather than a single job at one company.

Whereas stepping stone careers are roles you apply for/accept knowing that it is not your forever job, but can provide you with the necessary skills and experience to later bag your dream job. You can find more information on this term here

The industries are continuing to be more transparent about exactly how you can get into roles and how everyone's path is different! Keep an eye out for these terms.

So, you heard it here first - lets see what happens and we'll update you on the results this time next yearπŸ‘€


ERIC Creative Education Predictions for 2023πŸŽ“


Christmas Films that feature Creative Careers!πŸŽ