Our top 5 creative career resources
ERIC - Of course, we’re going to back ourselves! ERIC is a one stop shop for exploring careers, upskilling yourself and getting your first job. We have an app full of industry guides, upskilling opportunities and entry-level opportunities that are waiting for you - all for free we might add!
I Like Networking - I Like Networking is a career platform for women and non-binary people who want to thrive in the creative industries. Through their programmes, which include workshops, panels, mentoring and membership, they provide a place for people to connect and meet one another, supporting peer-to-peer mentoring and encouraging a gentle way of networking that fosters collaboration.
Melocompass - Aimed specifically at the music industry, MeloCompass aims to empower women and minorities to start a career in music by demystifying and navigating opportunities in the industry.
If You Could Jobs - If You Could Jobs provides the opportunity to browse roles across the creative industries at all levels. They also have a journal where they explore the current topics and conversations around the creative working world.
Screenskills - ScreenSkills is an industry-led skills body for the screen industries – film, television (including children's, unscripted and high-end), VFX (visual effects), animation and games. On screen skills you can find; careers information, e-learning, skills forecasting, mentoring programmes, bursaries and other helpful careers resources!