Stepping Stone Jobs🪜

Career goals are hard to achieve without the skills and experience needed to push it in the direction you want. Having an idea of your dream career/dream industry is a good first step, but can leave you feeling helpless if you don’t know how to get there.

Enter stepping stone jobs...

What are stepping stone jobs, you may ask? They are roles you apply for/accept knowing that it is not your forever job, but can provide you with the necessary skills and experience to later bag your dream job. Stepping stone jobs can be a great way to boost your skills and gain experience to add to your CV/ portfolio, while moving up your personal career ladder. They are also the perfect way to figure out your dream career alongside picking up transferable skills to set up your future.

Applying for your first few jobs in a career that you love can be difficult, as even entry or junior level roles often require more experience than once realised. Thinking about the skills you want to acquire and the different roles that can provide you with the skills and experience you need for your future career can result in applying for a stepping stone job.

However, will this ‘pause’ in your career impact it negatively?

Taking a stepping stone job can be viewed as a backward step in your career and there can be a level of failure attached with not applying for a dream job or a job you truly want. Am I wasting my time? Will I get stuck in a dead end job? Am I just not good enough for my dream job? These are all questions that you might ask yourself when thinking about a stepping stone job.

The answer to these questions is no. Skills and experience are never wasted and most skills we learn in our early careers are transferable.

There is a stigma that we should only apply for/ work jobs we love. Although, that can be difficult if you don’t yet have the necessary skill or are still figuring out your dream job. Working a stepping stone job puts you in a position to keep gaining experience while constantly reflecting on the skills you have gained and what skills you need in order to facilitate career progression.

Ultimately, your career is what you make of it. How you decide to get your dream job is in your hands and there is no right or wrong way to do it!

Want to find a stepping stone job for yourself? Check out our current opportunities on the ERIC App


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