Creative Careers in Tech that aren't programming

Want an insider into what creative careers are available in tech? You're in the right place...

Technology is transforming the way we live and work, creating a digital revolution of new jobs and roles within the tech industry. The demand for professionals skilled in coding, software development, and other technical roles has skyrocketed in recent years.

According to research by LinkedIn, the number of job postings requiring proficiency in code has increased 200% in the last five years alone. With this statistic in mind, there’s never been a better time for those looking to enter their career in tech!

Given that coders are some of the most desired employees within the tech world, it may be tempting to explore these roles first as you consider launching your career. However, as you explore your options, keep in mind that there are several other entry points into tech that may be more accessible than coding or software development and open up more future opportunities as well.

Art and Design Careers in Tech

Art and design careers are the foundation of the creative industries and are commonly found in tech. As such, they provide unique opportunities for enterprising individuals to explore their creative side in a tech-focused work environment.

From graphic designers to product designers, artists and designers are at the core of creating new products, software, and services. If you’re a creative and looking to break into the tech industry, it’s important to understand that the term “design” is much broader than you may think.

There are a wide range of design jobs that fall under the “design” umbrella, and many of them do not require a degree in design.

Creative Writing Careers in Tech
Another way to enter tech without needing to learn how to code is to become a creative writer. Many tech companies, especially those focused on content and marketing, employ writers to generate blog posts, white papers, e-books, and more.

This type of career can be found in tech companies across industries, including marketing and publishing.

Creative Design Tech Careers in Tech
Some designers may not need a degree in design to excel within tech. Instead, they may be able to transition their non-traditional design skills into a career in technology. One way to do this is through user experience (UX) design. Whereas other types of design focus on aesthetics and the look and feel of a product, UX design is focused on the overall experience a user has with a product.

UX design can be applied to everything from websites and applications to physical products and even places like retail stores. Companies that employ UX designers include Google and Apple.

When considering creative careers in tech, it is important to keep in mind that there isn’t just one type of tech career. As an industry, tech spans a wide range of disciplines and specialties. When exploring creative careers in tech, it is important to think about what type of technology interests you and how you can contribute to it. There is a lot of opportunity within the tech industry, and many career paths are available.

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